Discuss what Anglo American’s 2020 income statement would have looked like without the South African thermal coal operations. If you can quantify the impact, do so. Discuss whether the loss of these revenues and expenses is material, and whether the financial performance of the company is better or worse without them.

You have been instructed to address the following points in your briefing note. (The column of percentages indicates the weight of each section for grading purposes.)

1. Impact on Balance Sheet
Discuss what Anglo American’s 2020 balance sheet would have looked like without the South African thermal coal operations. If you can quantify the impact, do so, and assume that any difference between the assets and liabilities to be removed in the demerger is applied to retained earnings. Discuss whether the loss of these assets and liabilities is material, and whether the financial position of the company is better or worse without them.


2. Impact on Income Statement
Discuss what Anglo American’s 2020 income statement would have looked like without the South African thermal coal operations. If you can quantify the impact, do so. Discuss whether the loss of these revenues and expenses is material, and whether the financial performance of the company is better or worse without them.


3. Quality of Disclosures
Discuss the appropriateness and usefulness of Anglo American’s disclosures regarding its thermal coal operations. Specify what information is missing, if any, that would have made more accurate answers possible for points 1 and 2 above.


4. Environmental Goals
Discuss, in general terms, the overall impact of this demerger on Anglo American’s environmental goal of making “a responsible transition from thermal coal.”


5. Overall Evaluation
Evaluate the demerger decision overall, taking into account the above financial and environmental impacts. How does Anglo American benefit from this demerger? Was this a good decision? Justify your answer.