Why do you think the interview is an important part of the helping process?

1.How does a person’s previous experience with human service agencies influence his or her decision to seek help?
2.In what different ways do people learn about available services?
3.Distinguish between the terms applicant and client.
4.What purposes does the interview serve?
5.Describe the roles of the helper and the applicant during the initial meeting.
6.Discuss different ways to define interview.
7.What is the difference between interviewing and counseling?
8.List the three factors common to all interviews.
9.Describe what takes place in each of the three parts of an interview.
10.Give three examples of issues that applicants may raise during the initial interview.
11.Explain why intake interviews and mental status examinations are structured interviews.
12.What does a helper need to know about confidentiality in the assessment phase?
13.Discuss the two problem areas related to confidentiality.
14.What questions guide the assessment of the information gathered during this first phase of the helping process?
15.Describe case assignment.
16.Compare process recording and summary recording, and provide an example of each.
17.What purposes do staff notes (case notes) serve?
18.Describe the SOAP format and its components.
1.Why do you think the interview is an important part of the helping process?
2.What evidence can you give that a good assessment is vital to the helping process?
3.Speculate on what could happen if a client’s confidentiality was violated.

4.Develop a plan to interview a client who has applied for public housing.