A possible structure you could use (modify this or use a different structure you prefer):

LO1: Demonstrate that you understand comparative education. ~500 words

1. What is comparative education

2. What are the key strengths and weaknesses of the approach?

Main body:

LO2: Demonstrate an understanding of the ways in which political, environmental, socio-economic, cultural and institutional factors affect education globally.~750 words

1. Which theory (or theories) have you chosen to use?

2. What issue of education are you examining?

3. Explore the issue of education using the theory you have chosen on a global level. This issue could be one aspect we’ve explored during the module (International Law & Agreements; Aid & Development); or one area of inclusion such as gender inequality, socio- economic background or an aspect of Special Education Needs & Disability (SEND); or something else entirely but needs to relate to inequality in education.

LO3: Compare and contrast global inequalities in education and the role of some key
organisations in education development. ~1000/1500 words

1. Which two organisations are you examining? These can be any two from UNICEF, OECD,World Bank, Global Partnership in Education etc. You are allowed to choose organisations we
have not studied as long as they are large international development organisations.

2. What is the inequality issue you are exploring?

3. How are your two organisations responding to this issue of educational inequality?

4. What is the link to your theory of globalisation?

5. What are the key differences or similarities in the organisations’ approach?