Critical analysis of a major incident and the assessment and management of a major trauma patient using a case study.

Critical analysis of a major incident and the assessment and management of a major trauma patient using a case study.

Demonstrate an ability to apply the underlying concepts and principles of risk assessment, safety and management of a high-risk environment or accident scene

Critically evaluate the aspects of communication and collaborative working required on the scene of a traumatic incident and recognise the interprofessional boundaries and roles at the scene of an incident

The student will also be provided details of three trauma patients involved in the case study major incident.
The student will select ONE of these patients to demonstrate achievement of the following learning outcomes.
Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of a range of established techniques for the history, assessment and examination of a patient involved in a traumatic incident

Demonstrate knowledge and critical understanding of the relevant anatomy, physiology and pathophysiology relating to the trauma patient, to include mechanism of injury and the laws governing physical or movement forces (LO2).

Critically evaluate the evidence-based management strategies advocated for a range of traumatic conditions including head, chest, abdomen, pelvic, spine, extremity and thermal injuries and demonstrate an ability to select the appropriate treatment plan