Explain how the authors use their data to link Hp1bp3 to memory capacity in humans?

Systems genetics identifies Hp1bp3 as a novel modulator of cognitive aging

Instructions: Please answer questions 1-5 by reading the following article. All answers must come from SOLELY from the following journal article . The answers should be 1-2 sentence and it should summarize the answers EFFECTIVELY and CONCISELY in 1-2 sentences. Please make sure the answers are accurate and precise and derived appropriately from the paper. No specific format needs to be use, only the answers need to be given. No citations required.

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE ask me any questions for clarification if instructions or questions are unclear. Thanks.

(1%) The authors refer to CFM testing, what does this acronym stand for and describe what it helps the authors test in this study?

(1%) Explain how the authors use their data to make the connection between Hp1bp3 and Alzheimer’s disease?

(1%) Explain how the authors use their data to link Hp1bp3 to memory capacity in humans?

(1%) Why did the authors use the BXD mice in this study?

(1%) How did the authors use functional validation to confirm their hypothesized link between Hp1bp3 and cognitive function.