Identify and discuss a number of distinctive capabilities (competences or activities): Construct a Value Chain and place a number of activities (approx. 4 to 5) as appropriate.

Internal analysis of the acquirer (20%):
This task is about identification of current Strengths and Weaknesses of the organisation (acquirer excluding the target company).

Identify and discuss 4 to 5 distinctive resources (human, physical and financial) that are especially relevant for the company’s international strategy. This task should be done in a descriptive way (each resource should be named, concluded as a Strength or a Weakness for the organisation and a discussion should be produced for each item in a separate paragraph demonstrating why it is a Strength or a Weakness. Make sure that you use appropriately referenced data to support your arguments.

Identify and discuss a number of distinctive capabilities (competences or activities): Construct a Value Chain and place a number of activities (approx. 4 to 5) as appropriate. Choose the most important activity (distinctive competence) for the company’s international strategy and discuss it in detail demonstrating why it is a distinctive competence.

All distinctive competences should be listed as company’s Strengths (Ss). In total around 10 internal issues (resources and capabilities/competences) should be identified and discussed for the organisation (e.g. 4 Ss and 1 W from resources and 5 Ss from Value chain – capabilities = 10 internal issues in total).
SWOT matrix: list Os, Ts (from Q1) and Ss and Ws (from this question, Q2) in a SWOT matrix