How are Muslim women wearing hijab discriminated against as a Muslim compared to women who do not wear the hijab?

How are Muslim women wearing hijab discriminated against as a Muslim compared to women who do not wear the hijab?

This is a paper for race and ethnicity class.

The instructions are:

You will write a paper: the title, the introduction (including your research questions), literature review (you have to find about eight journal articles or book chapters related to your topic), conceptual framework, and the hypotheses/expectations of your study. You must write these sections as if you were going to submit this paper for publication. You also will briefly write about your tentative analytic plan and methods (no more than one paragraph). Remember that clarity –avoid jargon– and specificity are very important. This assignment should be no shorter than five single-spaced pages (Times New Roman, font size 12, 1” margins) and no longer than six (excluding the list of references).