What does the literature state about developing confidence and support the discussion in your work with reference to the literature?


Undertake 10 minute teaching session: you will need to record this.

Following teaching session:
Write 1,500 word reflective essay. This will include the rationale for the choice of approach and a critical discussion regarding the chosen learning theory for the presentation.
You will develop a lesson plan for a micro teaching. The topic chosen will be a hobby or interest area. The presentation is not graded. The 1,500 reflective essay is graded. The reflective essay is based on the use of a reflective model and first reflecting on the theoretical design and development of your lesson plan and then progressing your work, to reflect upon the presentation. How you view yourself including personal feelings, teaching materials used and your level of confidence. Also, if you were to do it again, what would be different/lessons learnt and recommendations for practice. The academic style should be commensurate with Level 6 study with support from the pertinent current literature throughout both assignments.

You will use your lesson plan on the day but do not need to submit it or your power-point. Rather, both are critically debated in the reflective essay. Both written essays will be submitted
Reflective essay guide; 1,500 words
You are required to reflect on the micro teach session in your reflective account.

To clarify, in the reflective essay you will be expected to debate the use of theory and how you apply theory to your practice – using a reflective model.

You should reflect on the development of your lesson plan and critically discuss the development process in your reflective essay.

You should state what worked and went well and support this with a critical debate using supporting literature.

You should state what did not go well and support this with a critical debate using supporting literature.
You should progress your reflective essay, with reference to the learning outcomes and the assessment criteria – supporting your work throughout with evidence of critical debate and analysis.

For example, were you confident, what does the literature state about developing confidence and support the discussion in your work with reference to the literature?

Learning from the micro teach, what lessons can you learn?

What does the literature suggest and discuss this in your work.

Finally conclude your work, highlight the key points from the main body of your work and give recommendations for practice (for CPD / development) based on your discussion from the main body of your work.