Procurement Strategy for Usquam-What you have to do is identify the approach you would advise the Fund to take to

Procurement Strategy for Squamous

What you have to do is identify the approach you would advise the Fund to take to

1) Applying the principles of sustainable development to the procurement of the services and works contracts required for the project:

2) Carrying out services and works procurements in a way that meets the requirements on the Fund for the conduct of its procurements.

To illustrate to the Fund how your proposals might work in practice you have been asked to incorporate within your report examples of their application at various stages leading up to the award of contracts for two elements of the project

• The design and construction of a spectator grandstand, pit lane facilities and broadcasting centre at the new facility (Approximate works value £354m)

• The design and construction of landscaped gardens at the three main public entry / exit points at the circuit (Approximate works value £850,000)

(Note : All names and location in brief is fictional. The markers are looking for recognition and application of “best practice” in the context of the question and applied within the constraints of the law. Due to the nature of a hypothetical scenario, details of any assumptions made must be listed at the beginning of your answer together with the rationale for making these assumptions.

• Assumptions made to avoid issues that need to be addressed in the scenario are to be avoided as such assumptions may adversely affect marking.

• Assumptions made that are contrary to the background information provided will adversely affect marking.

Answers should be set out in a manner that demonstrates comprehension of the subject matter and an ability to apply good working practice to situations that may be less than perfect or fully described, the markers are looking for “real world” solutions/advice.)