Describe your data collection and evaluation methods. For your data collection, describe how accessed your publicly available source material, how you verified its validity and any inclusion and exclusion criteria used for screening the source material.

Innovation and Knowledge Management

Introduce your FTSE 100 multinational organisation, its basic history and its (explicit and implicit) mission and values (from company reports, mainstream
media reports, or academic publications). Discuss the knowledge management literature highlighting the benefits of effective knowledge management,
along with the challenges and complexities involved. Introduce your chosen FTSE 100 organization and explain why knowledge management is of interest to
this organization, what issues knowledge management has been introduced to address and the importance of programme evaluation.

Describe your data collection and evaluation methods. For your data collection, describe how accessed your publicly available source material, how you
verified its validity and any inclusion and exclusion criteria used for screening the source material. For your evaluation, explain the method you used for identifying themes and areas of significance from the source material concerning the organization’s knowledge management practices. Where possible use tables to explain your methods both in words and visually.

Describe the issues (positive and negative) that emerge from your evaluation of the company’s knowledge management practices. Provide examples of the
contexts where these issues arise and how they are affecting the organization’s operations.

Describe the extent to which these issues have been addressed,whether the measures undertaken are adequate, and what the likely consequences might be. Where possible use tables or graphs to present your findings
both in words and visually.

Discuss the findings and make recommendations concerning the organization’s knowledge management programme. Make sure your recommendations are
supported with reference to research findings in the academic literature. Conclude with a 250 (+/- 10%) word summary review of the selected organisation’s
background, its knowledge management approach, the findings of your evaluation and your recommendations.