Describe how the writer uses the work to convey the lived experience or condition of a marginalized group.

Choose one of the following works of protest literature (a poem or short story), and, in a thesis-driven literary analysis, describe how the writer uses the work to convey the lived experience or condition of a marginalized group. Your topic statement should articulate the lived experience of the marginalized group that is represented in the text and determine the ways in which that group is affected by injustice and oppression.

Choose ONE:
“Women’s Voting Rights at One Hundred (but who’s counting?)” by Evie Shockley
“Apple Season” by Lisa Wingate
“Today You’re a Black Revolutionary” by Jade Jones
“American Girl Dolls Attend Mandatory Diversity Day Training” by Kortney Morrow

As a reminder, the focus of this essay must be the text of the literary work. Use researched background information as a tool to support your analysis of the text; however, do not write at length either about the author or the protest event or subject. Instead, focus on the literary elements and techniques the writer uses to convey their ideas.