Define, investigate and analyse problems of a non-routine and unfamiliar nature and apply judgement to devise practical and creative solutions.

Project and Financial Management

Critically evaluate the nature of construction procurement and its relationship with the wider construction industry.

▪ Analyse and evaluate the value propositions and objectives of different client types with particular reference to their priorities and attitudes to risk.

▪ Investigate and appraise financial management of projects from different users perspectives. Skills, qualities and attributes. After studying the module, you should be able to:-

▪ Select and apply tools and techniques to assist construction clients to achieve successful project outcomes.

▪ Make reasoned judgements regarding the most appropriate procurement strategy for a client in a given situation.

▪ Select and use effectively the necessary range of appropriate written, oral and presentation skills.

▪ Select and use effectively the necessary range of numerical methods for calculating, checking and presenting solutions to problems.

▪ Select and apply the necessary range of IT applications for preparing and presenting information.

▪ Define, investigate and analyse problems of a non-routine and unfamiliar nature and apply judgement to devise practical and creative solutions.

▪ Work effectively and independently to develop intellectual curiosity.