What is this firm trying to accomplish in the marketplace? What is its competitive strategy?

Workforce Analytics
Individual Case Project
Fall, 2021

Address (at a minimum) the following questions in your analyses.

1. What is this firm trying to accomplish in the marketplace? What is its competitive
2. Create a strategy map for this organization.
3. What are the “A” jobs in this business? What is “A” performance likely to look like in these “A” jobs?
4. Create an HR and/or Workforce scorecard for your company. You can choose to focus on the company as a whole or just your “A” jobs, but please make this choice clear to the reader. also note that I am not looking for a balanced scorecard like we developed in the AHA case (see attached slides for more on this distinction). You can use the approach we’ve used in class, or any other approach that makes sense to you (the latter is actually encouraged). Please include a table or graphic that summarizes all of the scorecard elements that you have developed.

5. Pick a single measure from your scorecard (e.g., employee commitment or turnover) and describe why you believe this element to be important in the context of the firm’s overall strategy. Then, build a conceptual model to help the firm manage that factor more effectively  For example, what are the predictors of commitment or turnover likely to be?
Where will you find these data? How will you analyze the data once you’ve collected it? Be sure that your paper includes a table or graphic that summarizes your work.

6. Finally, please describe how you plan to communicate your measurement system and analyses throughout the firm and persuade (often skeptical) managers to use it.

 summarize your findings in a (maximum) fifteen page, double spaced memo to the
CEO. Fewer pages would be fine. Any tables, figures, etc., can be placed in an Appendix