What is a subpoena and what should you do if you receive one as a forensic evaluator? What should you do if you receive one as a therapist?

Final Essay Exam: Communication Skills, Tools, and Expert Witness Testimony in Forensic Psychology

Answer the following 10 questions separately in essay format.

1. What is a subpoena and what should you do if you receive one as a forensic evaluator? What should you do if you receive one as a therapist?

2. Discuss 3 tactics you could use during cross examination to be an effective expert

3. How is a deposition different than testimony in a hearing? How does the way an expert testifies in a deposition differ from courtroom testimony?

4. Describe several report writing styles and formats which make a report more effective. Include a discussion of techniques and components of reports that make the report more effective.

5. Describe 3 manners in which an expert can make their report user friendly to those who are not knowledgeable about mental health issues.

6. Discuss 3 ways in which an expert can prepare for testimony?

7. Why is credibility important for an expert? Discuss three ways in which an expert can establish credibility in court.

8. Describe three ways the quality and content of an expert’s report can affect their testimony.

9. Why do different types of reports require different types of information? How do you determine what information to include in a report? Give examples of two different types of reports and information you would include in those reports which you may not include in other types of reports.

10. Describe the role of a trial consultant. Discuss three examples of how they may assist the side that retains them.