What do you believe are the principal consequences of these types of lies? Do the negative consequences outweigh the positive, or is the reverse true?

Men’s health

Choose a topic specifically relating to men that we have not discussed this semester, so this means nothing about war, the draft, or stay at home dads. Select one of the following themes, choose one particular element about it, and formulate your thesis. You will need to find at least five primary resources, secondary resources, or voices of authority to support what you are saying in your thesis. a) Men’s health – this can be anything from diet and exercise trends to ailments and diseases suffered specifically by men. Do men’s issues get much attention? Why or why not? You can choose a topic about mental and/emotional health as well. b) Men in the workplace – How have things changed over the past fifty years for men in the workplace? Do they have more opportunities or less? Which fields are they more incline to pursue? You can pick one to discuss specifically or 2-3 to compare and/or contrast. c) Men and athletics – Do sports contribute to a man’s image of himself? In what way?

Choose a topic specifically relating to women that we have not discussed this semester, so this means nothing about feminism, unhappy relationships, or famous first ladies. Select one of the following themes, choose one particular element about it, and formulate your thesis. You will need to find at least five primary resources, secondary resources, or voices of authority to support what you are saying. a) Women’s Health – How has women’s health changed over the past fifty years? You can choose anything from the rise of birth control to advances in mammograms. b) Women in politics – how have attitudes changed for women in politics over the past fifty years? c) Women in sports – How has Title IX changed the presents of women in sports? You can choose one particular sport or just Title IX by itself, such as its history or its success or failure.

Cohen, Haizlip, Voirst, and Zolkeflie all write about the many different ways in which people lie. Most of the lying evolves around what people are prepared to do for political, economic and social equality. What do you believe are the principal consequences of these types of lies? Do the negative consequences outweigh the positive, or is the reverse true?

Select a character or characters, philosophy, or event from either The Handmaid’s Tale or the film, Freedom Writers and analyze it/them in detail. An example of this might be compare and contrast the Commander and Moira from The Handmaid’s Tale. How would they both be considered survivors? Or how could the culture the students in the film are a part of be considered a dystopia? Be sure to use plenty of examples to support what you are saying.