Describe where and when you will conduct your study, as well as the duration of the study.

Qualitative Methods:

Identify and describe the type of qualitative method you will employ (ethnography, participant observation, case study, focus groups, qualitative interviewing, oral history, or a combination of these).

Describe where and when you will conduct your study, as well as the duration of the study.

Describe how you will go about obtaining access to the field and/or to participants.

Discuss the role you will assume vis a vis your research subjects (participant or non–participant) and how you intend to minimize your effect on the social phenomenon you will be observing.  Include the exact wording of at least 5 open-ended questions that you would ask your participants. Make sure that these open-ended questions cover the key concepts described in section 4, and that they are consistent with section 5.

Describe specifically how you will record answers from your participants and/or observations in the field.