Write an advocacy letter to ONE of the following:

Advocacy Letter
Advocating for young children and their families is a very important role for people involved in Early Childhood Education. To exercise this role, and to help develop your advocacy skills, you are to do the following:
Write an advocacy letter to ONE of the following:
       A City Council Member
       A Board of Supervisors’ Member
       An Assembly Member
       A State Senator
      Governor of California
      President of the United States
In your letter, identify who you are and what is the issue you are writing about.  You will advocate for any issue affecting the lives of young children and their families (i.e. violence prevention, budget cuts affecting children, health care, welfare reform etc).
Include in your letter, how this particular issue affects children and families.  Choose an issue that relates to the person to whom you are writing in terms of their jurisdiction or decision-making arena.  Summarize your letter by asking the person to do something.  Be specific and practical in what you expect.
You advocacy letter needs to be properly addressed in order to receive full credit (research this if you need help with formatting).