Briefly outline the current health status of the chosen individual and present a comprehensive nursing assessment of them, using an appropriate framework. You will then critically discuss the assessment findings in relation to relevant pathophysiological or psychosocial theory relevant to your field of practice.

Acute Care Management

Develop a 2500-word care study, based on an acutely unwell or deteriorating individual (relevant to your field of practice) (in this case, adult nursing) or an individual (relevant to your field of practice) who has the potential to deteriorate, that you have cared for in clinical practice. You must ensure that confidentiality and safe practice is maintained.

You are expected to briefly outline the current health status of the chosen individual and present a comprehensive nursing assessment of them, using an appropriate framework. You will then critically discuss the assessment findings in relation to relevant pathophysiological or psychosocial theory relevant to your field of practice.

Choose a suitable time frame e.g. such as the first 6hrs of admission or first 4-6 hours caring for an acute or deteriorating patient (post-operative care, Accident & Emergency). You are required to critically discuss nursing priorities in managing their care, with rationale. You will also be expected to include a discussion of factors that impacted on the care given and evaluate the effectiveness of the care provided.

Finally, you will identify your main learning points and how these might influence your future practice.

You will be expected to use relevant literature from a variety of sources to support your discussion throughout the essay e.g. evidence-based guidelines; nursing texts; specialist nursing journals.