What happened to the unemployment rate in the UK during the pandemic and why?

Office of National Statistics, Labour market overview, UK: July 2021
This assessment is focused on the economic aspects of the labour market, specifically employment and unemployment in the United Kingdom in 2020-2021 and their impacts on the British economy. The required economics concepts are covered in Part 6 and Part 7 of the Essentials of Economics textbook (Krugman & Wells, 2020) in chapters 12-16 (required reading). This corresponds to the subjects of module lectures 12-16.
Students are invited to present on the nature of unemployment in the UK. To do this, students need to use economic theories and concepts learned in MOD3327 lectures and in the required textbook readings in Essentials of Economics (Krugman and Wells, 2020). Students must identify, analyse and present their findings on ONE of the following topics:
a. Who make up the long term unemployed in the UK and why?
b. What happened to the unemployment rate in the UK during the pandemic and why?
c. What did the UK government do to deal with the potential high levels of unemployment that could have arisen during the pandemic?
d. How can the UK government reduce unemployment in the short term in the UK?
e. How can the UK government reduce unemployment in the UK in the medium and long term?