What all the companies do share is a common mission, a niche-brand character and naturally a profit motive. Your task is to devise a marketing plan for one of these brands to help it to strengthen its position and increase its sales within the UK market.

The coursework comprises an applied piece of work consisting of a marketing plan based on a brand within a specific sector. The first part of this coursework is undertaken as a group-work poster (20%), with the second stage an individual marketing plan report of 2500 words (80%).
The chosen sector for the assessment is the UK vegan confectionery industry and market. This relatively young market has been growing in popularity in the recent years. The market has a growing audience among those wanting to avoid dairy products for ethical or health reasons. The UK market for vegan chocolate is predicted to accelerate in years to come.
For the chosen sector I have identified six relatively small vegan chocolate brands that are already available within the UK market, and which currently market themselves based on different assumed benefits of veganism and other features characteristic of these products. Some focus on the health aspect; local/regional sourcing and heritage; no compromise on taste.
What all the companies do share is a common mission, a niche-brand character and naturally a profit motive. Your task is to devise a marketing plan for one of these brands to help it to strengthen its position and increase its sales within the UK market.