Drug over Dose

The tableau assignment this week was just talking about drug overdose deaths from 2013-2018                           

Audience. Who was your viz geared towards?
Do you feel you delivered a clear and concise viz, considering your audience?

How do you think you can improve on your next viz?

What features do you think you will keep for next time?


Where did you get the data from?

Did you have issues joining, calculating, aggregating, or formatting the data?

If so, please describe how you overcame these challenges.

Visualization. What challenges did you have with your viz?

How do you see this viz playing into your Tableau story?

Do you think you will make any adjustments to your viz before you include it in your story, why or why not?

What. What are your visualizations telling the audience?

Are they showing any trends, patterns, outliers, or any other relationships?