What strategies did you use to deal with this scenario? What worked? What didn’t? Were you able to complete the project successfully?

Scenario D and E present very difficult situations to students. They will find these scenarios very challenging and perhaps quite frustrating as they realize that they cannot achieve their objectives. Scores in D and E tend to be lower than for the other scenarios, and the range of scores can be very wide. Students should play long enough to realize that they won’t be able to complete these projects successfully and will therefore need to adopt an approach that marks the best of a challenging situation. If both scenarios are used, play time should last a bare minimum of 20 minutes. Again, suggest questions for students to bear in mind as they run the simulations.
Submission Instructions

After playing the simulation, students will generate a short debrief summary that responds to the following assignment questions:

In this scenario, what has changed?

What strategies did you use to deal with this scenario? What worked? What didn’t? Were you able to complete the project successfully?

Having dealt now with these different project scenarios, how would you revise your project management advice?