What is the topic for your Final Exam Project? Why did you choose this topic?

Choose a topic that interests you and use the Internet to research the topic and gather the information you need to create your project. You may want to refer to your textbook section Conduct Online Research in Module 2: The Web, pages CC 2-17 through CC 2-21. As you are researching your topic, be sure to take notes of the important content that you want to include in your presentation.
Make sure you cite all of your sources. The use of someone else’s material without citing it is plagiarism.

What is the topic for your Final Exam Project?
Why did you choose this topic?
What keywords did you use to research your topic online?
What websites did you use to research your topic? Use at least 4 sources for your project.
What method did you use to take notes to compile and manage the information you obtained from your research?