Identify and Define lactate threshold? Use your required and discovered readings to explain the LT relationship to aerobic and anaerobic metabolism. Why is it important to understand Lactate Threshold within the context of your (or a) future Sports and Health Science Career?

Within an APA formatted word document, provide a cover page, a paper body totaling 2-3 pages (2-5 paragraphs per question), and a reference page. Cite your source(s) of information, both in the text and at the end of the paper.

1. Identify and Define lactate threshold? Use your required and discovered readings to explain the LT relationship to aerobic and anaerobic metabolism. Why is it important to understand Lactate Threshold within the context of your (or a) future Sports and Health Science Career?

2. Individual factors can influence the percent of VO2max at which the lactate threshold occurs in each person? See the following ACE article for assistance: Identify and define the cause of these differences (factors). What causes these differences? How would those differences increase or decrease LT?

3. What type of individual would want to train to improve their lactate threshold? How can you personally increase your LT and why would you want to increase it? Define Lactate Threshold Training and identify and define two methods used in this style of training.

4. Identify and provide data from a peer reviewed research article that shows how lactate threshold training can impact aerobic performance. Summarize the data presented in the article and provide a real world example of how this article can assist an athlete with their training. NOTE: the article must be from the Library and should be from 2015 or later. Type in key terms into the “EVERYTHING” search bar and narrow your results from there. Or see the APUS S&HS library guide, linked above, for a short cut to additional resources for this course. DO NOT use articles from a .com source.