How many ways could you be described in numerical terms? What are some of your intrinsically numerical attributes? Could you express  some of your qualitative attributes in quantitative terms?

1. How might the various majors at your college be  classic ed into categories? Create a coding system that would allow you to categorize them according to some meaningful variable. h en create a different coding system, using a different variable

2. How many ways could you be described in numerical terms? What are some of your intrinsically numerical attributes? Could you express  some of your qualitative attributes in quantitative terms?
3. How would you construct and interpret a contingency table from the following information: 150 Democrats favor raising the minimum wage, and 50 oppose it; 100 Republicans favor raising the minimum wage, and 300 oppose it?
4. Using the hypothetical data in the following table, how would you construct and interpret tables showing these three relationships?
a. h e bivariate relationship between age and attitude toward abortion
b. h e bivariate relationship between political orientation and attitude toward abortion
c. h e multivariate relationship linking age, political orientation, and attitude toward abortion

Age Political Attitude Frequency
Orientation toward
Young Liberal Favor 90
Young Liberal Oppose 10
Young Conservative Favor 60
Young Conservative Oppose 40
Old Liberal Favor 60
Old Liberal Oppose 40
Old Conservative Favor 20
Old Conservative Oppose 80