Why is it that depending upon who is in office as president and who sits as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court often decides whether those rights are expanded or contracted?

Search and seizure

In your initial post, select and describe a Supreme Court decision regarding searches and seizures under the 4th Amendment to the Constitution as found in Chapter 10. Evaluate how this selected Supreme Court decision affects your and/or your family’s daily life. In your post, be sure to draw upon your knowledge of the concepts, institutions, and officials who make up the branches of government as they have been presented in our resources for this and prior weeks.

Consider the following questions in your evaluation of the selected decision’s effect. Why is the issue of illegally obtained evidence so important? Are there cases when such evidence should never be allowed? Why is it that depending upon who is in office as president and who sits as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court often decides whether those rights are expanded or contracted? Do you agree with the many exceptions to the admissibilicgoty of evidence?