Why do researchers include what they do in academic journal articles? How does the information help with replication and the believability of the claim?

3-5 pages long
The overall goal of this paper is to experience how academic journal articles compare to popular press articles. This will help in critically evaluating what you read about psychological claims.

To meet this goal, compare the academic journal article to the popular press article you wrote about in Writing Assignment 1. To do so, briefly restate if you thought the claim made in the popular press article was credible. Then, identify 3 meaningful differences between the academic journal article and the popular press article. Identify differences with substance that would require you to read the academic journal article to find (for example, research criteria presented in the academic journal article that was not presented in the popular press article). Don’t write about differences that are obvious or wouldn’t require you to read the article to find (for example, don’t write about length, vocabulary, and charts/tables/figures). Discuss if the 3 meaningful differences you identified support or change your original position about the credibility of the popular press article’s claim. Also, answer the questions: Why do researchers include what they do in academic journal articles? How does the information help with replication and the believability of the claim? Lastly, Cite your articles in APA format. 3-5 pages long