What is the shortest possible time required to complete “Project DT”?


LAX Vehicle Manufacturing has reiterated its commitment to the development of environmentally-friendly vehicles

Consider the information provided in Table 1. All the duration estimates or estimated times for tasks in Project DT are in weeks.
Table 1: Activities and durations for Project DT

Activity ID Description of Activity Duration (Weeks) Precedence activity
A Define the project requirement (Management Brief) 3 –
B Feasibility study 7 A
C Management consider report for authorization 2 B
D Design of electrical components and systems 5 C
E Design of mechanical components and systems 8 C
F Design of software and other components 4 C
G Simulate 12 D, E, F
H Generate drawings and other project documents 3 G
I Invite vendors to tender for the supply of the materials required for the production of the various components and systems 6 G, H
J Procurement and delivery of the required materials 4 I
K Produce prototype 10 J
L Prototype testing (internal) 3 K
M Prototype testing (external) 5 K
N Product optimization 8 M
O Produce optimized vehicle 8 L, M, N
P Additional testing and quality checks 4 N, O
Q Commission and close out 2 P

(i) Create a network diagram for activities A-Q, (ii) What is the critical path for Project DT?, (iii) What is the shortest possible time required to complete “Project DT”? (The report for this section should not be more than 600 words or its equivalence).