Calculate the effective radiating temperature for the following

Exam Review Packet
If you complete the review packet, you can earn up to maximum 20 points extra credit. Note that answers will be graded strictly as right or wrong; no partial credit will be given. However, if you provide an answer and don’t show work, no points will be awarded. DON’T FORGET UNITS! If an answer has no units, no points will be given.

1. Compute the Solar Flux for each planet in the solar system (1/2 point each):
Mercury – 0.387 AU
Venus – 0.722 AU
Mars – 1.52 AU
Jupiter – 5.2 AU
Saturn – 9.58 AU
Uranus – 19.2 AU
Neptune – 30.1 AU
Pluto (Viva Pluto!) – 39.5 AU

2. If Saturn’s closest distance to the Sun is 9.05 AU and its farthest distance is 10.12 AU, then what is the difference in solar flux? Calculate each flux and the percentage difference between them (3 points max).

What is the difference in effective radiating temperature if Saturn’s albedo is 0.47 (2 points)?

3. Compute the peak wavelength for the following temperatures (Hint: make sure your temperature is in the right units first!) (1/2 point each):
5780 K
288 K

4. Calculate the effective radiating temperature for the following (1 point each):
1300 W/m2; 40% albedo
3000 W/m2; 0% albedo
50 W/m2; 10% albedo
5550 W/m2; 80% albedo
2593 W/m2; 25% albedo

5. If the surface temperature for each of the above for is 300K, what is the magnitude of the greenhouse effect (1/2 point each) for each (a-e)?

6. Draw the direction of the wind for each direction (N, S, E, W), if it was in geostrophic balance in the Northern Hemisphere (2 points each direction). Include vectors (arrows) for the direction of the PGF and Coriolis Force (Cf). Bonus points if you include the Southern Hemisphere.

7. Draw the direction of the wind for each direction (N, S, E, W), if friction was involved (NH) (2 points each direction). Include vectors for the PGF and Cf.

8. What is the direction of a gyre (clockwise or counterclockwise), if the PGF is from the center outward, and Coriolis balances it, in the Northern Hemisphere (1/2 point)? What direction in the Southern Hemisphere (1/2 point)?

9. A substance starts out with 5,000 grams. Calculate how much is left after x amount of half-lives (1/2 point each).
1 half-life
20 half-lives
4 half-lives
10 half-lives

10. If one half-life equals 1,000 years, for the numbers above (a-d), how many years would it take for the substance to decay (1/2 point each)?

11. Calculate the amount of 14C remaining in a sample. Each letter has the amount of grams at time of death (start time) and how many years it decayed for (1 point each) (Hint- use past HW to find the right equation).
50g; 5,000 years
23g; 10,000 years
1,460g; 7,500 years
100g; 5,370 years

12. Calculate the age of the following fossils (1 point each). Each letter gives you the end amount and the original amount of the sample.
10g; 50g
5g; 1,000g
24g; 48g

13. Calculate the residence time for each of the following reservoirs (each letter gives you reservoir size & outflow/inflow rate) (1 point each).
38,300 Gt(C); 5 Gt(C)/yr
740 Gt(C); 20 Gt(C)/yr
2500 Gt(C); 0.5 Gt(C)/yr
10,000 Gt(C); 0.03 Gt(C)/yr

14. Calculate a 5% reduction goal for each of the following emissions levels (1 point each).
2.1 Gt
0.13 Gt
1.4 Gt
100 Gt