Critically comment on the argument advanced by the author of the article/essay based upon your own critical reading of the play.

Play “Mule Bone” & Scholarly Article Analysis

For this assignment, write a 4-5 page, double-spaced, word-processed paper in which you do the following:
1. Accurately summarize the scholarly argument advanced by the author of your article/essay;
2. Critically comment on the argument advanced by the author of the article/essay based upon your own critical reading of the play.
You must write at least two pages on each part of the paper:

(1) the summary of the scholarly argument and

(2) your critical commentary on the argument advanced.
Your paper is to be focused. Each paper requires knowledge and understanding of the
article/essay chosen, effective critical commentary, and demonstrated knowledge of the play. You may,
of course, agree or disagree, in whole or in part, with the scholar/critic who wrote the article/essay, but
you must be able to explain why by utilization and referring to the play.