Why was Egyptian religion a focal point in the evolution Egyptian civilization? How important was it to practice the active religion during the evolution of Egyptian civilization? 6000 BC – 3000 BC)

Egyptian religion’s influence on the evolution of its civilization.

Locate at least 10 sources (5 primary and 5 secondary) that will assist you in answering your question(s)

o Primary source material includes sources from the period being studied and can include, but are not limited to: letters, histories, journals, paintings, architecture, sculpture, etc.

o Acceptable secondary source material would include, but not limited to scholarly journal articles, appropriate scholarly databases and websites (official museums and libraries), historical documentaries that demonstrate rigorous scholarly research, etc.

Why was Egyptian religion a focal point in the evolution Egyptian civilization? How important was it to practice the active religion during the evolution of Egyptian civilization? 6000 BC – 3000 BC)