What strategy you will use to communicate the proposal to external stakeholders in your selected city, including members of the community

Component 2: Presentation to Internal Stakeholders

The second of three capstone components, this professional presentation uses the information from your problem analysis to demonstrate your communication skills and your ability to disseminate information about your proposal. This visual presentation should be clear and concise and should present the logical reasoning behind your proposal. Envision yourself giving this presentation to internal stakeholders in your organization as you seek their support. Since you will not actually deliver this presentation in person, you must create a presentation with speaker notes or audio included.

In addition to a compilation of key aspects from your research into the criminal justice issue you identified, your presentation should also include:

A. How your proposal supports the organization’s mission

B. What strategy you will use to communicate the proposal to external stakeholders in your selected city, including members of the community

C. Where you estimate the organization and surrounding community will be 5 to 10 years after proposal has been implemented

There is no minimum or maximum number of slides required. You should use your best judgment to create a presentation of appropriate length that will convey the relevant details of your proposal while keeping the attention of your audience.