How robust is the process of reconciliation? Will it prevent future conflict escalation? How does it relate to Sandole’s ideas?

Below are the links to find the reports, The writer can choose 1 to do their report about.
additional information will be sent in the messages.

In this final assignment, the idea is to bring together what you’ve learned in Weeks 7 and 8 of the course. Please refer to the Week 7 content, especially the lesson on preventive diplomacy. This is not a research assignment. Use our course materials and readings.

Chose either Sierra Leone or Liberia and discuss their truth and reconciliation process as it relates to preventive diplomacy.


1. How robust is the process of reconciliation? Will it prevent future conflict escalation? How does it relate to Sandole’s ideas?

2. What are the early warning signs of future conflict that are evident in the report? How do they relate to Bercovitch and Jackson’s “early warning indicators” in Week 7 Content?


Be sure to read our readings in Weeks 7 and 8. Especially in Week 8, there may be useful information in the journal articles. Choose only one. Find the after-action report on the truth and reconciliation process and read the document.

Sierra Leone report –

Liberia report –

General instructions: Using the course materials provided, and referring to them often in your essay, linking to the Weeks 7-8 readings. Prepare your answers in 3-4 pages, double-spaced in Word 12 pt. font. Do not exceed the four-page limit. In international relations, it is a skill to write within a defined space.