Describe any international competitors. How do you intend to compete with them for your customers? 

Environmental Analysis 
Perform a SWOT analysis of your potential organization. Remember that strengths and weaknesses are internal to your organization –so you can control these, and opportunities and threats are external to your organization–so you cannot control these; you must react to these.

What external/environmental factors are likely to impact your business and how likely are these?

Are your customers in other countries? If so, how will you reach them?
4.3 Competitive Analysis

How do you define/describe your competitors- both direct and indirect?

Describe your organization’s competitive advantage along the lines of quality, price, location, service, and speed of turn-around as they apply.
Find three competitors and describe them (cite your sources). Use the comparative analysis tables in Chapter 3 of your text to perform a qualitative assessment and/or quantitative analysis.

Describe any international competitors. How do you intend to compete with them for your customers?

Describe your strategy for outperforming the competition you identified above.
What, if any, do you see as barriers to entry that you can create to block out competition. How will you do so?