You are the HR director for a mid- size independent Hotel. Since the Covid-19 pandemic, you have been reduced to a skeleton crew with the Room’s Division and Food and Beverage departments all closed. You will be opening on a limited basis in the next few weeks.

Describe 3-5 changes and effects that this pandemic is having on your hotel and your employees. (Social, physical, emotional, financial, etcetera)
Paragraph #1.
Is the opening statement.
List the 3-5 change/effects.
Consider the strengths, weaknesses, threats and opportunities. (SWOT analysis)
Paragraph #2-6
Each paragraph should examine and discuss effects sited in your opening statement – paragraph #1.
Explain, how you will deal with it as the Human Resource director.
Paragraph #7.
What steps and procedures will you implement with your employees as they stacgort to return to work?