Write an essaywhere you analyze one of their paintings or sculptures, as if you are a time traveler temporarily living in the artist’s contemporary period.

Step 2: Write an essay (2.5 pages; Times New Roman; 12-point; double-spaced) where you analyze one of their paintings or sculptures, as if you are a time traveler temporarily living in the artist’s contemporary period. For example, you can be Leonardo da Vinci’s model or neighbor (who is actually a time traveler from 2021). In other words, use your imagination! Whomever you choose to be, your character has to know the artist and be familiar with their work. The character should also be someone who has studied art history. Although this is a creative assignment, you still have to integrate two credible secondary sources into your essay. Don’t forget to include in-text citations and a works cited page (MLA format).In order to avoid plagiarism, when you quote, summarize, or paraphrase from a secondary source, you have to provide in-text citations and a works cited page
Sources: Do not use Wikipedia. Do not use info from a random website. Do not use our textbook or my PowerPoints as sources. Look for other credible sources via our library’s catalog and databases.
Your essay (20% of your final grade) should be word-processed, double-spaced, with one-inch margins. It should also have a creative title, matching the content of the work
All assignments in this course are evaluated on content, style, format (MLA), organization, grammar, and mechanics