What responsibilities, if any, do we have to future generations? How might these responsibilities change contemporary business? Are future people stakeholders in the decisions of current business managers?

1. Some critics argue that sustainability is popular only because it allows industrialized countries to believe, falsely, that consumer-driven lifestyles can continue indefinitely. In what ways do you believe your own lifestyle is sustainable? Unsustainable?
2. Should manufacturers be legally liable for “cradle to grave” responsibility for their products? Should manufacturers be responsible for recycling their products after consumers are finished with them? What role should retail stores play in recycling efforts? Who should pay for disposal of consumer goods at the end of their product life?
3. What government policies might encourage other businesses to follow Patagonia’s lead? What government policies hinder such activities? In general, what role should government policy play in the movement towards sustainable business practice? Can you think of any existing government policies that hinder sustainable business?
4. Can sustainable business practices be left to the workings of the marketplace? What market incentives might help sustainable practice? Are you willing to pay more for a product that confirms to principles of sustainability?
5. What responsibilities, if any, do we have to future generations? How might these responsibilities change contemporary business? Are future people stakeholders in the decisions of current business managers?