Explain how responsibilities can depend upon the relationships one has with other people.

1. Explain how responsibilities can depend upon the relationships one has with other people.
2. How is the relationship between a person and her real estate agent or lawyer similar to the relationship between an employer and employee? How are they different?
3. How might the narrow view of employee responsibilities be defended ethically? What are its shortcomings?
4. What is a conflict of interest and when and under what conditions are they unethical? Do the dual roles of auditor and consultant, as played by Arthur Andersen and other major accounting firms , constitute an unethical conflict  of interest?
5. Define  trust and loyalty. Do all employees have a responsibility to be trust-
worthy? To be loyal? Why does Duska believe that loyalty is inappropriate in the workplace?

6. In what way is business like poker? In what ways is it different?
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7. What conditions does De George suggest are necessary to make whistle-
blowing ethically permissible? When is it ethically required?

8. Explain at least two ethical objections to insider trading. What, exactly, was wrong (if anything) with insiders selling Enron’s stock throughout 2001?