What happened with the referendum vote in Massachusetts in November 2016 and why?

What happened with the referendum vote in Massachusetts in November 2016 and why?

– Place the issue in its context, develop a clear argument about its significance, support that argument with ample evidence, and provide the necessary documentation.
– Charter schools are an important part of education reform in the United States. As a new type of public school, charter schools have been influenced by both the market and the government. Despite charter schools’ commitment to freedom, equity, and competition, charter schools have been confronted with many challenges。 Charter schools have faced four main types of conflicts in their development: management failures, a lack of innovation, limited autonomy, and utilitarianism. These problems prevent charter schools from leading the way to success as a comprehensive and legitimate educational reform that affects the education equity of our community.
– The Political and Economic Contradictions Behind Educational Privatization

Massachusetts has been doing considerable research in this area in Massachusetts. because the state does a good job of collecting and publishing data. A good point of departure for such a paper would be the referendum in Massachusetts in November 2016 to lift the cap on charter schools. The referendum lost, 62 to 38 percent.