Do you agree or disagree with him? How so? Answer Hutton’s remark taking into consideration the observations on doors made by Moore and with the knowledge that you already have on the Mexican Revolution. 

First, read Hutton’s article starting on page 41 with “In the Mexican Revolution…” and end on page 42: “…come to grips with his Zapata”. In Mexican history, Zapata is the hero of the peasants.
Hutton makes the following remark about Orozco’s Zapata: “It is this ambiguity to which most American critics objected, lamenting the absence of a ‘key’ by which to interpret the work” (42). For Hutton, Orozco’s Zapata is vague and does not offer a clear picture. 1) Do you agree or disagree with him? How so?
Answer Hutton’s remark taking into consideration the observations on doors made by Moore and with the knowledge that you already have on the Mexican Revolution.