What sort of on-the-job training and training period is needed for the position?  What tools, equipment, or other resources are needed to train people for this position?

Job criteria and results
 Have work standards for the job been established (errors allowed, time taken for a particular task, etc.)? If so, what are they?
 Describe the successful completion and/or end results of the job.
 Background and knowledge
What personal attributes are needed to be successful in this position?
 Describe the level, degree, and breadth of knowledge required for this position.
 Indicate the education, certification, and license requirements for the job.
 Describe the orientation you received when you first began this job and its effectiveness.
What sort of on-the-job training and training period is needed for the position?
 What tools, equipment, or other resources are needed to train people for this position?
 What assessment tests are needed to determine if someone is competent in this position?