What do you want the children to learn? How will you teach them what you want them to learn?

How to Write a Lesson Plan


What do you want the children to learn?

How will you teach them what you want them to learn?

How will you know that they’ve learned what you wanted them to learn?

How will you know you’ve taught the lesson appropriately?

Step 1

Review the Florida Standards to determine the goal.

Step 2

Write learner outcome, or what you want the children to be able to do.

Step 3

Write questions that will guide the learning, and elicit prior knowledge.

Step 4

Create a way to assess the children. Think in terms of formative assessment and summative assessment.

Step 5

Consider what materials will be needed.

Step 6

What will you need to do to prepare?

Step 7

Create a list of vocabulary words related to the lesson

Step 8

In terms of literacy, what skills/concepts will you need to introduce before teaching the lesson?

Step 9

Create step-by-step procedures of what you will do, what the children will do, and how you will transition the children TO the activity, and dismiss FROM the activity.

Step 10

Create a way to end the activity, and transition the students to the next activity.

Step 11

Write a strategy to accommodate ELL or special needs students.

Step 12

Create an activity to extend the lesson.

Step 13

How will the parents/families know the children have learned this today?
How will you connect to the families?

Step 14

Reflect on what went well and what you would do differently next time.