Explain some of the hardships and challenges that Tatenda has had to overcome.

Intersex is a term that the majority of individuals are not fully familiar with. The following videos
provide some helpful information regarding intersex, the difficulties associated with intersex, and
much more. Told from the point of view by two intersex individuals, please view the following

Video #1– “She’s Not A Boy – What It’s Like to be Intersex
Filmed by: Yuhong Pang & Robert Tokanel
Source: The Atlantic https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eEXpeq-38Sw&feature=emb_logo

Describe Tatenda’s upbringing in 3-5 sentences.
● Explain some of the hardships and challenges that Tatenda has had to overcome.
● What are some of the social problems with understanding Intersex? (Ex. does it have to
do with culture, faith/religion, education, etc.)
● What’s one thing you learned or was surprised by from watching this video?