What would you recommend that the student do to correct them (300 word minimum)? In this section, consider editing techniques or best practices that the writer could have employed.

Correcting Sample Student Essay Assignment Instructions
There are two Correcting Sample Student Essay Assignments in this course. The purpose of these assignments is to place you in the position of “audience” for the provided sample student essays (as well as to start to prepare you for Section 2 of the Research Paper).
You will use Word’s Track Changes feature to note strike-through edits to make words, phrases, and sentence structures grammatically correct. You must also use the Review Comments feature to note grammar and usage issues, with correct grammatical terms, and label them as such, in the right-hand column (click “review” and then “new comment”). Then, you will note “transition” problems that have to do with consistent focus and topic continuity, also in the right-hand comment column. You are also open to correct documentation style errors. Finally, as you conclude your corrections, write a response at the end of the same document and address the following:

What were the 3 main grammatical problems? As always, be sure to illustrate with specific examples (300 word minimum) from the student’s essay. While you may have and are encouraged to mark or comment on everything (capitalization, spacing, MLA formatting, transitions, etc.), keep the written review focused specifically on the 3 most common grammar concepts.

What would you recommend that the student do to correct them (300 word minimum)? In this section, consider editing techniques or best practices that the writer could have employed.

What is the overall effectiveness of the essay (300 word minimum)?

Each of your three answers must be no less than 300 words (all three, totaling 900 words). If you incorporate information from an outside source, such as the textbook, include correct in-text citations and a “Works Cited” section at the end. Please review the Correcting Sample Student Essay Assignment Rubric prior to submitting these assignments.