What is your BATNA? How do you expect to leverage it and what are the possible consequences of pursuing it rather than reaching an agreement on the negotiation table?

What do you think are the other side’s interests, resistance points, and targets?
* According to the information that you have, what do you think is the other party’s BATNA?
* What is your BATNA? How do you expect to leverage it and what are the possible consequences of pursuing it rather than reaching an agreement on the negotiation table?
* Do a thorough analysis of the company’s financial statements. What is the company’s financial position going into the negotiation? How do you expect to use this information during the negotiation?
* What role do intangibles play in this negotiation? How has the relationship with the other party evolved over the years and how do you expect that your negotiation strategy/tactics will change/preserve it?
* Quantify and prioritize the relative importance of each of the items that you will be negotiating. If possible, assign points to each one of them. Identify your resistance point, your aspiration, and define what will be your initial offer for each one of
* a) those items. Will you negotiate the items individually, as a package, and what trades are you willing to carry out?
* Define as detailed as possible the strategy and tactics that you will use during the negotiation. Your analysis has to be based on the theocgory that has been covered in class