What information can you provide about the music performed Did the performer(s) seem to find the piece(s) satisfying?

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rOjHhS5MtvA LINK TO THE CONCERT^^ As a part of your “music experience,” you will be reviewing three concerts during the term and submitting a review of each. You should have read the sample professional reviews provided in the ConcertReviews Download ConcertReviewsdocument. Because of concerns about social distancing, all three concerts must attended digitally. A list of concerts available online will be provided, but you are encouraged to find your own events. At least two of the events need to reflect music being studied in this class, meaning classical concerts, music theater, or reviewing the musical score of a movie. Because describing audience reaction is part of the review, finding events with an attending audience is still the goal. But, if during the term live events happen in response to the pandemic, meaning music without an audience, attending these events would be preferred. In short, we are making this up as we go along. If you have any questions, just email. These reviews should be no shorter than one full double-spaced page, utilizing a standard font (Times New Roman, Arial, Century Gothic, or Tahoma) of 12 point size or smaller.

Please provide a link to the concert or event. A Concert Review is a critical review of the event you attended. If you choose to cite any sources that are not personal information (program notes, course packet, etc.), it is necessary to include footnotes and a bibliography in your review. In addition to attaching a copy of the program and/or ticket stub, be certain that you: Include your name, date, class title, term, and instructor, List the name of the group or concert, date of event, and location, and Include information on the performer, the performance, and the audience.

Make observations about the performance, such as: What information can you provide on the performers?

What do you believe is the mission of the performer(s)?

How did the performer/piece connect with the audience? Did the composition bridge the past to the present? What was the ambience of the concert?

What instruments or voices were featured, and how were they used?

What information can you provide about the music performed Did the performer(s) seem to find the piece(s) satisfying?

What was the audience reaction? What was your reaction to the music? Would you recommend this music to someone else? Quality of writing is considered as part of the concert review. Be thoughtful, imaginativcgoe, and don’t forget to proofread.