What impact has this problem had on society and the justice system? • Think financial costs, harm, etc.  Are there any contradictory claims regarding the status of the problem? 

History- Follow the timeline Show the pattern of power being used. (constable system gave frank pledge system a leader, Frank pledge system—citizens policing themselves. Metropolitan police act build-up to policing history Current section – descriptive. How many cops are there, police citizen interaction, involve force? Can redefine use of force and pivot to why it’s a problem. Define force misuse, talk about how often it occurs then issues associated with it. Valuable court cases and legislation Solution- 2 big parts. What’s been proposed and what’s been done(worked and failed).
Those are some notes to help guide in writing the paper Use specific definition of misuse of force in intro ***(cops.gov) -Use numbers in intro. How often it happens
Build up to Talk about Social contract and why officers can use force to understand the true problem. -how often does force in general happen and how often is it misused. Lifelong consequences for victim
The paper can be split into 3 sections to make it easier. For the first portion of the paper, talk about he History of policing. Follow the timeline of policing and show the pattern of power being used. For example, the constable system gave frank pledge system a leader, Frank pledge system—citizens policing themselves. Metropolitan police act build-up to policing history . For the middle portion/Current section, be descriptive. How many cops are there?How many police citizen interactions involve force? You can redefine use of force and pivot to/explain why it’s a problem.

Define force misuse, talk about how often it occurs and the issues associated with it.

Discuss valuable court cases and legislation. For the last portion of the paper, the Solution, you can divide it into 2 big parts.

What’s been proposed and what’s been done(worked and failed). Be sure to also follow the instructions and include key info listed in the instructions.
• Introduction (note per APA, intros do not need headings)

o Introduce the topic and purpose of the paper. o Be sure to include a roadmap where you clear state the purpose of the paper and the main topics that will be covered.

Your introduction should cover briefly the topic, the importance of said topic, and the direction your Capstone will take.

This roadmap itself only needs to be 1-3 sentences.

o Remember the purpose of an introduction is to draw your readers in and provide them with a clear view of what the paper is covering. So make your introduction interesting and informative. • History/Background o Cover the history of your topic.

o When did this type of issue or problem first arise? How did arise?

What factors contributed to it? o Were there any notable events or occurrences? o Were there any early public or government responses? o You may need to think outside of the box, were there any social movements or paradigms overtime that led the problem?

• Current o Discuss the current status of the topic. How has the problem changed over time?

What impact has this problem had on society and the justice system? • Think financial costs, harm, etc.  Are there any contradictory claims regarding the status of the problem?

Have there been any recent social movements or government responses?

What other notable issues have been highlighted regarding the topic?

• Potential Solutions o Has the government or legislature enacted new rules or legislation to address the issue?

o What have researchers, scientists, etc. recommended to address the problem?

Have any of these recommendations been tested and what were the results? • Conclusion o Reiterate the main points covered in the paper and tie everything up.
Please tell the writer to follow all the instructions i gave. The introduction needs to be completely written over. Also, the writer needs to be more specific and go into details. Everything seems generalized. Also,  need 25 pages excluding the cover page, abstract page and resources page.
Also, please be sure to use in text citations when needed