What are the strengths and weaknesses of the literature you have reviewed?

How does general anaesthetic affect morbidity and mortality in the elderly population undergoing major surgery”

The Harvard Referencing System you have used in previous Anglia Ruskin University assignments should be used. Please see the University Library website for Harvard System of referencing guide at: http://libweb.anglia.ac.uk/referencing/Introduction (rationale for proposed study) (around 500 words)

In this section you will need to provide the reader with the context to your research including the reason why you think the research should be undertaken. These reasons are likely to be work-related, but you will also need to place the research problem within a wider socio-political context. Some discussion of how you envisage your research being used in terms of developing policy and practice within your area of work should also be included in this section. For example, if you were proposing to carry out research on drug abusers you may wish to use the results to develop more effective treatment programs. Before writing this section, you should carefully consider some of the following question:

What is the context of your research question/problem (background)?
What have others said about your research question/problem? This section does not include your literature review, but you may find it useful to refer to one or two sources which have helped you identify your research question.
Where, when and who are you studying (your research setting, timeframe and population)?
How will your research help improve the practice?
State clearly the aim (general statement of purpose) and objectives (specific issues to be addressed) of the proposed study.
State clearly the research question.

Although you will be anxious to complete your assignment take some time to think carefully (and refine) your research question. This is a very important part of the research process.


Literature Review (around 1000 words)

Reviewing and evaluating research literature is central to the research process and in this section you will be discussing related research articles and relevant theoretical or policy perspectives that are most relevant to your research question. A good literature review is far more than a critical appraisal of a series of research studies, it should create a structure in which you legitimise carrying out your proposed study. You should consider some of the following questions in reviewing relevant literature:

What are the strengths and weaknesses of the literature you have reviewed? Note:
this is the core of your critical appraisal, which is one of the main marking criteria!

What are the similarities and differences in the literature?
Are there any inconsistencies in the literature?
Are there any gaps in the literature, which your research would be addressing?
Have you identified the interrelationships between previous literature and your proposed study?