Write an essay of maximum 8 pages that summarizes the outcome of your analysis and contains at least following ingredients

Description: Analyze a social/hyrbid enterprise of given firm

Description of the assignment
Provide an in-depth analysis on a real-world social enterprise (SE). To this end, choose an example of any SE(Tom, https://www.toms.com/?setCountryPreference=US) and gather as much information as possible on the venture. Then analyze the SE-type and discuss the bottom-line goals (social and financial). Investigate and analyze potential trade-offs or synergies between both goals and reflect on changes/transformations that might shift the balance between the social and financial logic in the future.

Write an essay of maximum 8 pages that summarizes the outcome of your analysis and contains at least following ingredients

description of the social enterprise and its double bottom-line:
Positioning of the SE-type following the typology of Defourny and Nyssens (2016)( paper attached):

what type of hybrid are we investigating here?
a discussion on trade-offs or synergies observed between the hybrid goals: what are the different opinions in your group. Can you combine the different goals or not?
a discussion and reflection on transformations or changes that may shift the balance between the social and financial logic in the future: what if we observe this in 5 years/10 years, do you think it will change?
Critical reflection on your chosen SE(Tom) and the SE-movement in general: form and express your opinion