What was the theory or conceptual rationale for the research questions/hypotheses?

The Research Study Topic Summary and Article Review assignment
For the Research Study Topic Summary and Article Review assignment, pick a topic that pertains to your organization (or a previous organization) or a topic area that you find interesting that is relevant to organizations. Conduct a literature search using the library databases (e.g., PsycINFO) to find peer-reviewed journal articles. Complete both Section 1 AND Section 2 below for this week’s assignment.

Section 1

1. Write a summary about the topic you want to pursue for the proposed research study. (The proposed study is due in Week 7.) Refer to Chapter 2 to guide you, along with the components of related literature you are reviewing. The summary should include as many study details as possible. Be sure to include the following:

a. What is the general topic of your research?

b. What is the problem statement? Do you have sub problems?

c.What theoretical/conceptual framework or rationale may guide your study?

d. What concepts/variables may be involved in your research, and how are they defined (e.g., What constructs are you studying? What is your predictor variable? What is your dependent variable?)?

e. If you have ideas about a priori hypotheses, include them.

f. Identify any assumptions, boundaries, and limitations to your study you have so far.

g. Explain the importance and significance of your study.

2. In your summary, include in-text citations in APA format to support your statements.

3. Include a reference list in APA format with at least THREE peer-reviewed sources that pertain to your topic.


Einstein once said, “If I had an hour to solve a problem, I’d spend fifty-five minutes thinking about the problem and five minutes thinking about solutions” (Spector, 2016). You are not expected to answer each question perfectly: research is an iterative process and takes time. The point of this exercise is to get you thinking critically about your research proposal topic (the problem space) and for you to receive early guidance from your instructor.

Section 2:

Write an article summary review for ONE of the peer-reviewed sources you noted in Section 1. Upload the PDF version of the peer-reviewed article along with your summary. Answer the following:

1. What was the purpose of the study?

2. What was being examined in the study (e.g., constructs/concepts)?

3. What were the research questions/hypotheses? What does this mean in your own words?

4. What was the theory or conceptual rationale for the research questions/hypotheses?

5. What methods did the researchers use?

6. What were the results? Were the hypotheses supported?

7. What are the practical implications of the results for organizations?

Complete both Section 1 AND Section 2.

For Section 1:

Write a paper using APA format (i.e., double-spacing, Times New Roman 12-point font, one-inch page margins). The summary should be at least ONE page long. The reference list should be on a separate page and does not count towards the one-page minimum.

For Section 2:

The article summary review should be two pages long. The paper should be in APA format (i.e., double-spacing; Times New Roman, 12-point font; one-inch page margins). Number your answers so it is clear what question is being addressed. Refrain from using quotes for content other than hypotheses or formal definitions of constructs, and instead paraphrase to demonstrate you understand the material.